Breakfast and After school club
Breakfast Club
At St Martin's School we run our own breakfast club, which is open daily from 7.45am in the multi-purpose room. We offer a fun and friendly club for 18 children to have some breakfast and some fun before school starts.
The Breakfast Club is charged at £4 per day to cover food and staffing costs.
Please contact the School Office ( for more details on availability or to request to be added to the waiting list for a place if your required days are full.
After-School Club
Our after-school provision is privately run by Sports Bug. They offer both regular bookings and ad hoc bookings as required. This provides a fun and healthy after-school environment.
To find out more or register your child, please contact Sports Bug directly for more information or to book a space -
There are also several after-school activities that are run on a weekly basis including Spike's Football, Kickboxing, The Creation Station Create Club (arts and crafts) and Chess Club. For more information, please contact